Level Spells Requisites: Str 16, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 16
Alignment: any
HD/level: 2d10
Weapon Prof.: 10+level
To Hit Table: Mon
Save Table: War
Reference: RDM
Groups: Warrior, Rogue, Archetype
Complexity: CF=3
1 0 (none)
2 4.4 (none)
3 8.8 (none)
4 17.6 (none)
5 35.2 (none)
6 70.4 (none)
7 140.8 (none)
8 281.6 (none)
9 563.2 (none)
10 1100 (none) When you take this class, Pick a race: Reacher (+3,+0,+3,+3,-3,+2;+0,+3,+10; can't be grouped), Borne (+2,+2,+2,+2,-2,+2;+2,+2,+8;+100% Int-based Rogue picks), Rapp (+1,+3,+2,+3,-2,+3;+3,+1,+10; can always buy guns even if unavailable)
Level 1: If your race is Reacher/Borne/or Rapp, you have 2 for 1 trading of ability scores.
Level 1: +10 to perception skill rolls.
Level 2: +1 attack with guns you are specialized in.
Level 9: Pick another race from above. Use the best of stat adjustments.
Level 18: Pick another race from above. Use the best of stat adjustments.
11 1650 (none)
12 2200 (none)
13 2750 (none)
14 3300 (none)
15 3850 (none)
16 4400 (none)
17 4950 (none)
18 5500 (none)
19 6050 (none)
20 6600 (none)
21 7150 (none)
22 7700 (none)
23 8250 (none)
24 8800 (none)
25 9350 (none)
26 9900 (none)
27 10450 (none)
28 11000 (none)
29 11550 (none)
30 12100 (none)
31 12650 (none)
32 13200 (none)
33 13750 (none)
34 14300 (none)
35 14850 (none)
36 15400 (none)