Rian AC: 10+4+3+5+5+6+5+5+2+1=46+9+5+14 hp: (6+3)*(3+2HD)+(4+3)+(4+3)+(6+3)=45+23/3=52+1 saves: +2+4+6+5=17 stats: 13+3 13+3 13+3+3 13+3 13+3 13+3 Race: Rian, Metastatistician Classes: Rian, Metastatistician 8/Metamind 1/Metamind 1/Arcane Charlatan 1/Ntupling0 8/Ascended Deity3 11 Player Pick: You know the spell Summon Knuth Monster (SL=1): Roll 1d1000. Summon a DL=1 Knuth Monster group that is x(die result)^^2. This spell cannot be modified in anyway. add "Replace 1d1000 with 1d10" Spells: Suspend Cylinder (Psi --4095 ultra, 218 PSPs): One target take(s) CLd12 Con idmg(no resist) Spider Sardine(DC) (Psi +2047 minor, 4 PSPs): One target tac move(s) three times(BW save) Items: Generic Magical Bracers/Gauntlets [AT+4] +3 AC/+4 Saves; 2590gp Generic Magical Belt/Girdle [AT+5] +5 AC/+6 Saves; 3400gp Generic Magical Boots [AT+6] +5 AC/+5 Saves; 1210gp Generic Magical Amulet of Protection +5; 2780gp Magic Items: Rian's Rectus femoris muscle: +1 to HNCL; 1/2M: Disturbed - Voices (SL=1): You get +1 Alternate Personality while this is running. See Rian, Insanitarium Escapee for details; CL 5; SL 1; 1950gp Air in room transforms into Elemental Darkness, Light Trap; DL 1; Search DC 11 (10 Int damage/s, no resistance)(multiple targets) A Valerian Space Axe, axe, 10d16 (85), 120gp the ebony kris, exotic, 10d52 (265), 1070gp Weapon Flag: Impact (x2 base damage); 5000gp Ioun Stone, Normal, Gain next 4 levels of picks in Rogue class; 3000gp Cobalt Amulet [AT+7] +2 AC/+2 Saves; 1M: -10% dmg to Cold, Darkness, Electricity, Fire, Gravity, Kinetic, Light, Magnetic, Radiation, Sonic, or Vibration; CL 5; SL 1; 1270gp Rian's Crap: +2 to HD; 1/2M: Terror (SL=2): Target is slain (PPD save, does not affect Undead or Golems, or things without souls); CL 5; SL 1; 1140gp Hazel Amulet [AT+5] +0 AC/+1 Saves; 1M: Maintain powers w/o conc.; CL 4; SL 1; 470gp District Monarch for Social Safety and Abuse is in your debt Bonehoard Energy Blade: Equip: Pay 2 SL(s) and ''Equipped creature gets +3 to hit/dmg and +17 AC/saves and 64 hp and has Infect''; 4200gp Rian's Hair: +3 to Con; 1Z: Powerman 5000 - Drop the Bombshell (SL=2): You and an ally do a Dudley Death Drop (3D) (30d6 falling damage, target makes Str-30 check or unaware) to a target through a magically created table.; CL 7; SL 2; 4900gp Pinkish Gauntlets [AT+18] +5 AC/+8 Saves; 1P: Polymorph Self, max difference in weight = PL^2 lbs.; CL 6; SL 2; 4145gp Iron-grey Bottle cap: +1 Level(s) in a Psionicist Group Class; 5080gp Rian's Sternum bone: +1 to LVL; 1F: Grand Daddy I.U. - The U Is Smooth (SL=1): Project (copy) your Int onto another stat; CL 6; SL 2; 5090gp Air in room transforms into Elemental Magic Trap; DL 2; Search DC 22 (20 Str damage/s, no resistance)(multiple targets) Chrome Tree: +1 Summon Slots; 4330gp Bronze Clothes: +200 PSP's; 4620gp Pitch-black Armor, Heavy [AT+11] +3 AC/+17 Saves; 1attack: Null Field 10; CL 10; SL 2; 5145gp Traction Unit: +3 to Instances of Exceptional Chr; +1E and 1/2 Traction Unit's segment 2 E: Memory Reading (one target, DC=144); CL 12; SL 3; 9280gp Air in room transforms into Elemental Ice / Snow Trap; DL 3; Search DC 32 (30 Int damage/s, no resistance)(multiple targets) Equip: Pay 2 Str and ''Equipped creature gets +4 to hit/dmg and +31 AC/saves and 135 hp and has Reach, Provoke and Infect''; 9990gp Rian's Thyroid: +6 to Wis; 1/2P: Avoid Planar Effects (SL=2): Immune non-home plane environment.; CL 12; SL 3; 9690gp Armor Flag: Resistance: WR (Weapon Resistance) 100%; 50000gp +8 to Spell slots; +1E and 1 Spinal Cord's segment 8 E: Remote Mind Control (one target, DC=100); CL 10; SL 3; 9520gp Rian's Extensor digitorum longus muscle: +40 to Dex; 1P: Disturbed - Save Our Last Goodbye (SL=2): 1bM, when an ally is slain: You are SEL=1 Haunted by the slain ally's memory core (essence of consciousness); CL 40; SL 10; 100780gp Saffron Balloon: Up to two of your Custom classes use the ''set XP table''(3kxp at 2nd, doubles til 9th,600kxp at 10th,+300kxp per level afterward).; 101100gp gp: 10000-2590-3400-1210-2780=20+8000+23000+15000+900000 kxp:1260 8/12 min/max