Rian AC: 10 hp: stats: 1+36 1+36 1+36 1+36 1+36 1+36+36 Race: Rian, Exponential Cascade Leveler Classes: RECL 36/Session Number 2/1X (Advanced) Spawn 1/The Last Afterliver1JG RDM 1 Player Pick: When you gain xp, 1/d, you may gain 3+SN times as much Spells: Items: Magic Items: Dart, Lizard Man, Class M (3d8/3d8) +21/+4, +1 to base #Att, Ninja Speed, Dispel (any x1-x2 effect) Brand, Instant Returning, Shocking (+10 lightning dmg/hit), Vacuuming (+10 vacuum dmg/hit), Lower all irreducible BlahR's by 1% per hit, Instant Other Returning (if hits target, target must save or teleported back to owner of this item); 400000gp Armor: [x2] Green Dragon Hide [Age 12] +13/x2; double all Rogue Abilities.; 275000gp Brooch of Super Shielding: 180% distributed among iRR,iMR,iPR,iIR,iWR,iER,iGR; During reset, pick one specific effect: you are Immune to that effect.; 340000gp Iron-Grey Fauchard [2d6] +1 Th/+3 dmg 18+/x2; Enhanced Sharpness N: +N^2.5 weapon dmg to melee weapons. N=CL*2; CL 27; SL 3, 4387gp Carmine Girdle [AT+24] +35 AC/+4 Saves; 1P: Cannot harm or be harmed by physical objects for 1 turn; CL 14; SL 3; 9085gp Peacock blue Leg warmers: +200 Rogue Points; 9450gp favor from Affiliation for the Ethical Abuse of Dragons Rian's Ulna bone: +16 to Int; 1attack: Damnation* (SL=4): Slay a group (no save).; CL 22; SL 5; 25120gp gp: 125000+400+600000/20+43663+106000 kxp:150+30*5+40*3+50*5