Yed Ulterior AC: 10+1+560=571 hp: [16+2*con]*lvl+20=530+20+2870=3400 stats: 10-2 14-2 18+5+5+4 12 16 8-4 Race: Yed Classes: Yed 11-300kxp/Express Actions 8-384kxp/Quantum Visitor 4-10000kxp Player Pick: +1 dead action Spells:432000+333222 Qwey's Catamaran(Ogburg) (SL=0): One target gain(s) SEL=3 Extra Barbarian Con Saphros's Temper(Dorakaa) (SL=5): You gain(s) SEL=9 Save Point Cormus's Potato(Krakenheim) (SL=0): You breath(s) an EE=4 element (dmg= max hp) Vindinglag's Natural Utensil(Dorakaa) (SL=5): You convert(s) hp into ''i'' of the same type Items: Dragon gland, wyrmling 755 throat Magic Items: Ioun Stone, Normal, 0 action, use once: x2 Avoid Fate; 3000gp Magus 1400 misc Globe of Trust 2100 hands Arcane Sweeper 2150 hands Puppeteer 2200 misc Athene's Unholy Grail 2250 misc Zeke s Herald 2450 misc Pox Arcana 3000 misc Rite of Ruin 3000 misc Warmog's Armor 2850 armor Frozen Heart 2800 amulet Frozen Mallet 3100 hands Iceborn Gauntlet 2700 bracers Sunfire Cape 2750 cloak Amulet of Temporary Invulnerability (1M, 1/d: Immune to damage and hold hp for 1d20 r); 7500gp Armor Flag: All saves of 1 are 2; 5000gp Rian's Latissimus dorsi muscle: +2 to ML; 1V: Avoid Planar Effects (SL=2): Immune non-home plane environment.; CL 10; SL 2; 4960gp Cinnamon Spring: Up to three of your Priest classes use the ''set XP table''(3kxp at 2nd, doubles til 9th,600kxp at 10th,+300kxp per level afterward).; 9190gp Relevant Abilities: +425 health, +60 armor +30 attack damage, +700 health +200% Base Health Regen, +800 Health +80 ability power, +20% cooldown reduction +20% cooldown reduction, +150% base mana regeneration +20% cooldown reduction, +225 health, +250 mana, +25 armor +20% cooldown reduction, +250 health, +50% base health regeneration, +25 magic resistance +75% Base Mana Regen, +20% Cooldown Reduction, +25 Magic Resist, +40 Ability Power +20% cooldown reduction, +250 health +500 Mana, +20% Cooldown Reduction, +65 Armor +400 Mana, +20% Cooldown Reduction, +90 Armor +100 ability power, +20% cooldown reduction, +100% base mana regeneration +100 ability power, +20% cooldown reduction, +100% base mana regeneration total +320 ability power, +200 cooldown reduction, +240 armor, +2650 health, +1150 mana, +50 magic resist, +475 base mana regeneration, +200 base health regen, +30 attack damage = +320th/+350dmg/+560AC/+2870hp gp:10000-400=9600-755-2850-2850-3100+19026+46000-18550=46521+95000=141521 kxp:1000