Hannibal Reaper AC: +10+10+6+4+9+2+15+25+25+42+72+6+76=298 hp: 6+&2d8&2m-2=+6+5*(2*(8+142))+1*(142-2)^2+7*(142-2)^2=158306 stats: 16 10 18 12 14 8 Base +2 +0 +2 +4 +4 +2 Race +0 +0 +5 +0 +0 +1 Level +3 +0 +60 +0 +0 +2 Items Race: human Classes: Hannibal Lecter 6/Organ Reaper 1 Player Pick: 1/session: You may use an idiom item flag this session. Class Ability: Level 1: Barbarian Con bonus; i.e. bonus is (Con-14)*2. Level 1: Choose an E=1, E=2, or E=3 element. Immune to that element. Mouth's P, LVL/d: Breath Weapon of that element, dmg = (current hp) / (breath's E factor), BW save for ½ Powers: Nullcancel 1 Dispel one x1 effect (no save, gets ER) Rogue Abilities: Kits: Familiars: Progression: Summons: Traps: Items: Ability Crystal (Magic), MK 2 7 6,500 +4 stat points (to 1 stat only) Synaptic Accelerators (Technology), MK 2 7 6,500 +4 stat points (to 1 stat only) Synergizing Symbiote (Hybrid), MK 2 7 6,500 +4 stat points (to 1 stat only) Emerald Age Cat. 3 Great One Dragon Armor [AT+8] +17 AC/+4 Saves; 1P: 1 point acid damage per round in area; CL 7; SL 2; 3820gp unholy robes, +4 AC, 1830gp Magic Items: Rose Emeici [1d20] +2 Th/+0 dmg 20+/x2; Enhanced Fire Aspect N: +N^3 fire dmg. N=CL*2; CL 5; SL 1, 927gp Ebony Bracers [AT+5] +1 AC/+4 Saves; 1M: Dispel Evil 1/r; CL 4; SL 1; 1790gp Rian's Bone Marrow: +3 to Con; 1M: Disturbed - Leave It Alone (SL=1): Taunt an enemy. That enemy gets xCL dmg vs. you; CL 4; SL 1; 1310gp Rian's Brain: +2 to Con; 1P: Succession (SL=0): Your next spell has +1 target.; CL 5; SL 1; 1160gp Rian's Tongue: +4 to Con; 1V: Olivia Rodrigo - Enough For You (SL=1): Can only be cast 1/reset: Pick rogue abilities or psi powers. If the total cost for them is less than "Enough" they can be used without deducting the points for it; CL 5; SL 1; 1340gp Rian's Abdominal external oblique muscle: +7 to HD; 1M: Dark Sienna (SL=1): 1d12 dmg; save or nauseated until leaves area.; CL 10; SL 2; 4710gp Nut-brown Robe [AT+6] +3 AC/+10 Saves; 1P: MPIWReflection 5*SL%; CL 10; SL 2; 2835gp The Unit, +2 AC, 120gp Rian's Brachioradialis muscle: +2 to Chr; 1Z: Mirror Entity (SL=3): Summon a DL3 Shapeshifter with “Spend N SL’s: Summons you control are considered DL N/2 until end of segment”.; CL 10; SL 2; 4180gp Nut-brown Girdle [AT+12] +3 AC/+15 Saves; 1/3M: Target is immune to fear & beguiling; CL 8; SL 2; 4740gp Bright Amulet [AT+20] +5 AC/+1 Saves; 1M: 1V: Hypnosis (1 target, Will save); Bite is paralysis branded (PPD save); CL 8; SL 2; 3530gp Rian's Liver: +11 to Con; 1M: Disturbed - Stricken (SL=3): You get +1 familiar and a random SEL=3 or less negative status effect while this is running; CL 15; SL 3; 9640gp Gallon of Puce Potion(120 doses): 1P: Charm Shield: Whenever someone hits you with a melee attack, they suffer that Status Effect unless they make a save vs. Spell.; CL 15; SL 3; 9660gp Coppery Girdle [AT+39] +3 AC/+35 Saves; 1M: Double resist radiation (1/4, save for 1/10), Ignore gaining Psi9/18/27 powers due to RS; CL 12; SL 3; 10805gp Alabaster Gloves [AT+68] +4 AC/+5 Saves; 1M: Take x0.75 damage from physical attacks; CL 16; SL 4; 11435gp Rian's Patella bone: +3 to Str; 1Z: Disturbed - Parasite (SL=5): Create a DL=1 virus that is SEL=8 "Combined" with one target. As long as they are combined, the target is SEL=5 Dominated (Mentally) by the virus; CL 12; SL 4; 16660gp a suit of amber mesh, +6 AC, 10gp Rian's Brain: +13 to Con; 1P: YG - Scared Money (SL=N): Spend 100*Ngp and N Chr: +N*1000gp at the end of the run.; CL 12; SL 4; 16660gp Cordovan Medallion [AT+28] +48 AC/+64 Saves; 1M: Take only 2+leak vs. physical attacks; CL 20; SL 4; 19870gp Rian's Clavicle bone: +15 to Con; 1attack: Kanye West - Diamonds from Sierra Leone (SL=5): Can only be cast 1/reset. +X gp where X= the number of groups of enemies you killed this reset; CL 12; SL 4; 16570gp gp: 10000-10*100=9000-4200+97740+58213+2100-19500+929081+590000 kxp: 64 4/6 min/max