Kelb Rai AC: 10+200+41+200 hp: 35+1000 stats: 8-8 10-10 12+4-8 18+8+19+2+5+12+2 massivebar 16+5 14-12 Race: Stephen Hawking/Rhox Classes: Stephen Hawking 7/Int Engine 7 Player Pick: 1/session: Roll a random Cataclysm on the room(ignore friendly fire, no hole in middle). Class Ability: +(Int Bonus)*2% WaWR; DR (Int Bonus)/+(Int Bonus)*0.1; inertial barrier cont.; displacement cont.; people need +(Int Bonus)/10 weapon to hit you. You may "material component" psionic powers, by spending 1V action. Bar Int. +LVL Int. + (Int/20) M Actions (round down). + Int bonus to saves. + Int bonus SL's for Wizard spells. + Int bonus/5 to # of number of summons w/ one slot. + Int bonus to AC. Int Bonus: 66-26=40*5.0=200 Spells: Mass Eyeliner (Psi 511 minor, 3 PSPs): One group breath(s) an EE=2 eelement (dmg= current hp)(tenth resist) True Country (Psi 127 minor, 8 PSPs): One ally combine(s) one group(s) into another imperial armor Kits: Progression: 94- -- Summons: DL V generic x(32)x[1] Items: Ability Crystal (Magic), MK 2 6500 Synaptic Accelerators (Technology), MK 2 6500 Synergizing Symbiote (Hybrid), MK 2 6500 Bulwark of the Mountain +20 ability power, +250 health, +100% base health regeneration 4000 armor Ruby Crystal, +150 health 4000 misc Crystalline Bracer, +50% Base Health Regen, +200 Health 6500 bracers Kindlegem, , +200 Health, UNIQUE Passive: +10% Cooldown Reduction 8000 misc. Heart of Gold, +200 health, Unique: + 5 per 10 seconds. 8250 amulet Magic Items: Trepanation Knife: +1 to Instances of Exceptional Int; +1E and 1 Trepanation Knife's segment 8 E: Telepathic Combat (one target, DC=25); CL 5; SL 1; 2020gp Grafted Cleaver: Equip: Pay 3 Luck and ''Equipped creature gets +3 to hit/dmg and +21 AC/saves and 56 hp''; 4910gp Flesh-Coloured Congolese Axe [1d6] +0 Th/+1 dmg 19+/x4; Enhanced XP++ Sword Master N: +5*N% kxp from killed mobs. N=CL; CL 14; SL 2, 2310gp Hogtie: +5 to Wis; +1E and 1/3 Hogtie's segment 2 E: Mind Walking (one group, DC=18); CL 7; SL 2; 4900gp Bilboes: +2 to Instances of Exceptional Int; +1E and 1 Bilboes's segment 3 E: Temporal Telepathy (one group, DC=52); CL 14; SL 2; 4370gp Posture collar: +1 to Instances of Exceptional Int; +1E and 1 Posture collar's segment 6 E: Possession (one target, DC=64); CL 8; SL 2; 4470gp Rian's Ears: +2 to Int; 1F: Sledgehammer (SL=N): Summon a DL N Sledgehammer Golem.; CL 18; SL 3; 9800gp Chemise cagoule: +3 to HNCL; +1E and 1 Chemise cagoule's segment 4 E: Telepathic Precognition (one group, DC=76); CL 18; SL 3; 9200gp Puce Deck: +3bQQS Action(s); 10100gp Potion of Shadow Stealer (Animates your shadow as a Shadow (the creature); has half your hp and THAC0), 3000gp Rian's Triceps muscle: +4 to Int; 1Z: Reba McEntire - The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia (SL=1): Illusionary gun weapon that fires 1/s; CL^2 to two targets ; CL 21; SL 3; 9170gp Pint of Bright Liquid(15 doses): 1/2M: Skinned Shield: Whenever someone hits you with a melee attack, they suffer that Status Effect unless they make a save vs. Spell.; CL 14; SL 3; 9830gp Field punishment: +2 to Instances of Exceptional Int; +1E and 1 Field punishment's segment 4 E: Psychometry (one target, DC=256); CL 16; SL 3; 9350gp Oxygen Concentrator: +8 to CL; +1E and 1 Oxygen Concentrator's segment 7 E: Mind Control (one group, DC=117); CL 24; SL 4; 16880gp Ioun Stone, Don, +1 Major in a Psi.Freq. (even under 0.51); 10000gp Nerve stimulator: +3 to Alternate Personality slots; +1E and 1 Nerve stimulator's segment 2 E: Telepathy (one target, DC=196); CL 14; SL 4; 16260gp Rian's Patella bone: +1 to ML; 1/2attack: Summon Myr 1 (SL=1): Summon a DL=1 Myr; CL 18; SL 4; 16490gp Computer equipment: +6 to Alternate Personality slots; +1E and 1/2 Computer equipment's segment 8 E: Telepathic Precognition (one group, DC=110); CL 23; SL 4; 16860gp Ioun Stone, Don, +1 Major in a Psi.Freq. (even under 0.51); 10000gp gp:10000-200=9800+27546-34950=2396+13000+43089-17400+85315+137530 kxp:135.8 5/7 min/max