Marfik AC: 10+5+9+9+20=53+79=(132+100000)/10000=10iAC+7iAC=17iAC hp: +d12 &2m-2=19*(12+560)+19*(560-2)^2+15*(560)^2=10868+5915916+4704000+23+500=10631307+17*(12+560)=10,641,031 or 500 StunBoxes stats: 14+45+6 12+9+7sbar 18+50+5+6+19 16+4+3+6+6 10+5 8+3 Race: 27 Callosciurus (Oriental tree squirrels) +45 +9 -9 -2 -2 +2 -0 -10 +21 -1 ÷1/86 Gorilla (gorillas) +2 -5 +50 +4 +5 +3 +7 +9 +23 -0 ÷1/34 Tapirus (tapirs) -0 -6 -8 +0 -2 -8 +5 +3 +17 -3 ÷1 Uber Barbarian Con bonus [Stat-46, x10]=98-42x10=560/26 Presbytis (leaf monkeys) x50hp Classes: Quantum Guest 19/Organ Reaper5 19/Living Dungeon 15 Player Pick: 1/session: Roll a random Cataclysm on the room(ignore friendly fire, no hole in middle). Class Ability: Each Level: Spend a weapon proficiency: One Master Monster pick. Level 1: 1scrV (can borrow), Consume a body part: Heal self. Level 1: 1scrS, 1 attack that hits: Draw forth and put target's brain, heart, or soul on your Plate. Level 1: 1scrF, 1 attack that hits: Draw forth and put target's skin on your Plate. Gets 1M action per level. May convert 2M’s→1RM action for your ‘pick one’ abilities. Level 1: 1bM, LVL/d: Choose a phrase of one or two words. You Hold whatever that phrase is with respect to your character. Collective acronyms count as a single word each (e.g. "HNCL" counts as one word). You must put the word "my" in front of it. (Examples: True Name, Max hp, Stats, Actions, Class slots, Race slots, etc.). Level 2: 1M: Pick one: Charm, Exhaust(5e), Lace, or Skin (one group, no save). Level 3: 1M: Pick one: Disjunct, Dominated (physically), Jailed, or Turned Inside Out (one group, no save). Level 4: 1M: Pick one: Burned Out, Disintegrated, Head Blown Off, or Unconscious (one group, no save). Level 5: You may apply a free “minor Stepping out of it” to any of the ‘pick one’ abilities. Minor Step out of it is similar to Step out of it but only repeats LVL times. Spells: Knowledge of a spell that gives me 1bscrV, Consume a soul: I'm Gone to own pocket plane. Incarnation Inch (Psi +4095 grand, 29 PSPs): One ally gain(s) SEL=7 Ancillary Barbarian Con Kits: +5 weapon needed to hit you; Pick Pockets (Str+Chr-38)*15% Progression: Summons: Items: Ability Crystal (Magic), MK 3 +6 stat points (to 1 stat only) 75,000 Synaptic Accelerators (Technology), MK 3 +6 stat points (to 1 stat only) 75,000 Synergizing Symbiote (Hybrid), MK 3 +6 stat points (to 1 stat only) 75,000 Magic Items: Pauldrons of Whiterock, +15 attack damage, +250 health, +100% base health regeneration 4000 hands Bulwark of the Mountain, +20 ability power, +250 health, +100% base health regeneration 4000 armor Purplish Crystal Ball: +1 level(s) of exceptional Int; 1820gp Maul Bow: Equip: Pay 2 Dex and ''Equipped creature gets +9 to hit/dmg and +3 AC/saves and 7 hp and has Vigilance''; 1540gp Short shackling: +1 to CL; +1E and 1 Short shackling's segment 7 E: Mind Exchange (one group, DC=11); CL 5; SL 1; 1900gp Rian's Tarsus bone: +3 to Int; 1M: Misery (SL=1): Target can’t use V actions. If target has legs, they are broken.; CL 7; SL 1; 1460gp Stun belt: +2 to Alternate Personality slots; +1E and 1 Stun belt's segment 5 E: Psionic Inundation (one target, DC=36); CL 6; SL 1; 1740gp Pea Green Tabak-Toyok [1d10] +0 Th/+3 dmg 18+/x4; Enhanced Insta-Kill N: +N*5% to SEL=5 slay attacked target. N=CL; CL 7; SL 1, 1617gp Rian's Sweat: +7 to Dex; 1M: P.E.2000 - Puff Daddy (SL=1): Can only be cast if you acted first this segment. Protection from Evil if G aligned or Protection from Good if E aligned; CL 7; SL 2; 4130gp Gag: +3 to CL; +1E and 1 Gag's segment 9 E: Holographic Projection (one group, DC=52); CL 14; SL 2; 4780gp Lightning Khopesh: Equip: Pay 3 SL(s) and ''Equipped creature gets +17 to hit/dmg and +9 AC/saves and 72 hp and has Indestructible''; 4220gp a set of red juggling balls, mace, 3d5 (9), 50gp Drab Tomato: +1 Level(s) in a Warrior Group Class; 4960gp Umber Mameluke Sword [2d6] +2 Th/+1 dmg 19+/x4; Twenty Four Seven: SL/d: Frugal a per day or week ability.; CL 10; SL 2, 1927gp Rian's Quadriceps femoris muscle: +4 to CL; 1P: Natural Healing (SL=1): Target is cured equal to his Con score in hp; CL 12; SL 2; 4980gp Rian's Eyes: +5 to Con; 1M: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Requiem (SL=N): Wishoid for a Catholic Priest spell of SL=N-1 or less if a group was slain this rd; CL 7; SL 2; 4210gp Multi-prismatic Tissue box: +2slowQQA' Action(s); 9710gp Abdominal external oblique muscle: +11 to HD; 1M: Mary Mary Quite Contrary (SL=3): Up to 3 groups of plants get +1 offensive DL.; CL 16; SL 3; 9440gp Claret Necklace [AT+42] +37 AC/+24 Saves; 1M: SL/2 (round down) instances of Resist mental attacks; CL 18; SL 3; 15135gp Rian's Ears: +9 to Con; 1M: Death Ward (SL=1): 1bM, cannot act next segment: Avoid a slay effect on someone.; CL 12; SL 3; 9340gp Rian's Pelvis bone: +6 to Int; 1M: Queen - One Vision (SL=1): Target can use your GGL pick.; CL 14; SL 3; 9120gp Rian's Eyes: +3 to HD; 1Z: Disturbed - Stupify (SL=1): Stun and Eject a target from your group whose race is different than yours (reflex save); CL 14; SL 3; 10040gp Rian's Latissimus dorsi muscle: +3 to HD; 1V: Neighborhood Trolly (SL=N): Summon a DL=N Trolly that may count as everybody’s mount and with (10-N) V’s: Planeshift. At SL=7, Between.; CL 15; SL 3; 9670gp Rian's Vastus lateralis muscle: +10 to Dex; 1V: Storm Wall (SL=3): Enemys in your Control Radius have -5 TH and when an enemy area effect attack misses, you control where it splashes to.; CL 28; SL 4; 17070gp Hojōjutsu: +8 to HNCL; +1E and 1 Hojōjutsu's segment 4 E: Memory Reading (one group, DC=148); CL 28; SL 4; 16110gp Crystalline Cinder block: +4scrQB Action(s); 16700gp Teeth: +6 to Alternate Personality slots; +1E and 1 Teeth's segment 10 E: Mental Plane Manipulation (one group, DC=70); CL 17; SL 4; 16470gp Rian's Trapezius muscle: +14 to Wis; 1Z: That name sounds like royalty. Are you royalty? (SL=1): Legend Lore.; CL 16; SL 4; 16750gp Mouth: +2 to Alternate Personality slots; +1E and 1 Mouth's segment 9 E: Psychic Communication (one group, DC=76); CL 18; SL 4; 16490gp Kitesail Quill: Equip: Pay 5 Con and ''Equipped creature gets +43 to ihit/idmg and +7 iAC/isaves and 1728ihp and has Melee 5, Deathtouch, Trample''; 36420gp Wheelchair: +2 to Alternate Personality slots; +1E and 1 Wheelchair's segment 0 E: Mind Control (one group, DC=272); CL 42; SL 6; 36890gp gp: 10000-200=9800-4000-4000-1400+39586+203035-225000+353000 Book of +3 Race Slot(s); 380,550gp kxp: 3020 9/19 min/max