Shadax the Dancing Potion Bottle AC: 10+1+6+12+25+19+15+7+5 hp:[SSS[1d6*2+6]+DPB[&2d6*3+9] = 18+45+6= 69hp stats: 14+3 10+2 14+2 18+3 16+3 8+2 Race: Shadax/Potion Bottle Classes:Shadax the Solstice Sorcerer 6/Dancing Potion Bottle 6 Dull Balloon: +1hQM Action(s); 1870gp Off-white Shoes: +1bQB Action(s); 1870gp Flesh-coloured Bracers [AT+6] +1 AC/+1 Saves; 1attack: Gaze attacks hold no terror for you.; CL 5; SL 1; 1615gp Olive Plate: All your Wizard classes use the ''set XP table''(3kxp at 2nd, doubles til 9th,600kxp at 10th,+300kxp per level afterward).; 4370gp a set of light elven armor, +12 AC, 1000gp Chocolate Girdle [AT+20] +5 AC/+3 Saves; 1/2attack: You Reincarnate upon death, inactive and Feign Death for the rest of this combat; CL 7; SL 2; 3625gp a potion of true sight, 'detect invis' 'detect magic' 'detect hidden' '', 29gp Blackened Wallet: +2bQB Action(s); 4730gp Orange Armor, Heavy [AT+19] +15 AC/+6 Saves; 1V: Immune to Memory stealing, mind reading, Capital E Extract; CL 15; SL 3; 6575gp Off-white Medallion [AT+7] +5 AC/+24 Saves; 1P: Multiply Move Rate by 1.25; CL 15; SL 3; 6075gp Crimson Amulet [AT+13] +4 AC/+24 Saves; 1M: Create a "Control" type item (see next page) of TechL=CL, each TechL takes 1S action; CL 10; SL 3; 6035gp gp: 1700+6711+19260+35328 kxp:128 5/7 min/max